Tea Parties; Some Congressman not sitting on the Sidelines

If members of Congress are planning to attend the Tax Day Tea Party protests on April 15, they’re keeping awfully quiet about it. 

The tea party movement has garnered nationwide attention since its launch on Feb. 27, and scores if not hundreds of tea parties are expected to be held across the country on Wednesday.

But so far, FOXNews.com has found only two members of Congress — both Republicans — who have  committed to attending the demonstrations on the day income taxes are due.

Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina and Texas Rep. John Culberson, a member of the House Appropriations Committee, say they will attend the protests to show their opposition to the government’s massive spending bill. That leaves roughly 530 senators and congressmen who haven’t been heard from.

Whether the tea party movement is large enough yet to elicit a response from the White House or effect change in the halls of Congress is “hard to say,” said Mike Leahy, co-founder of Top Conservatives on Twitter, one of three conservative groups behind the grassroots effort.  

Source: foxnews.com

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