Tea Party Third Party?? Not Part of the Program

There is much talk of the formation of a third political party based on the tea party movement.
Tea Party Patriots is issuing this statement in order to make it clear that we are not associated with any attempts to form a third party.  Additionally, we believe that such efforts are unproductive and unwise at this time.  The history of third party movements in this country is one of division and defeat.  We believe that it is instead time for all Americans to rise up and demand appropriate reform within their own parties.  The mechanisms exist for citizens to participate in their parties, and to drive their parties in the right direction.
The Tea Party Patriots encourage all citizens to get involved in the party process, and to reshape their parties into something in which they may once again believe.  This country does not belong to any one party, nor does it belong to the career politicians.  This country belongs to the citizens.  As Benjamin Franklin once said, “We have given you a republic madam, if you can keep it.”  The founders knew that it would be our sacred obligation as citizens to get involved, and to work hard to hold on to this great nation.  We have much work to do, and future generations will look back in judgment.  We hope you will join us in preserving the republic.

You are the heart and soul of the Tea Party Movement. Thank you for promoting the causes of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets with us!

via Tea Party Third Party?

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