The Alarm on Cell Phones Cancer Warning, “premature” says Oncologists

All the Alarm on Cell Phone Cancer is Premature. 

By Albert N. Milliron

The report from the University of Pittsburgh, calling attention to Cancer risks of using cell phone may be a bit Premature.  Parents all over the world may be using this report to keep their children off of the phone A good way to save money on their cell bill and transferring the saving to thier gas tank.  When it comes right down to it.  medical research is usually submitted to a medical journal so other experts can review it and comment on the work.  This is called, “Peer Review“. 

It is the same process that occurs on NowPublic when one of the Contributers posts a news story or opinion piece.  Readers from all over the world, take a look at the articles and comment on its validity, structure, and logic.   NowPublic contributers may also share differing opinions.  That is “Peer Review”  and that important process has not taken place.  So  the research or observations are is a mere, “unpublished work” from experts in the field. 

The other missing part, is that the Food and Drug Administration has not issued a warning.  If the writer shared with you that a particular medicine was ineffective, it probably would be good to wait for the FDA to issue that statement before you make a choice on suspending your use. 

So at this time, it is premature until the work for the UP is published and peer reviewed and the FDA makes a determination as to the dangers of using cell phones. 

Note: The author of this article has published medical research and is familiar with the peer review process.

Levine, M.E., Milliron, A.N. and Duffy, L.K. 1994. Diurnal and seasonal rhythms of melatonin, cortisol and testosterone in interior Alaska. Arctic Medical Research. 53:25-34

 The story below inspired this writing:

It’s a call to alarm for cell phone users everywhere.  A new report from the head of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute links cell phone usage and cancer.  But an Alabama cancer specialist calls this report very premature.

     Dr. Ellen Sapremulli, a medical oncologist at Regional Medical Center in Anniston, tells ABC 33/40 three reasons she considers the new warning “poor.”  First, the report is unpublished which means it’s not been peer reviewed by other doctors.  Second, there are several studies that have been published that say cell phones won’t cause cancer.  Finally, the Food and Drug Administration has not issued a warning.        There are those who say better safe than sorry. They say why not slip on an earpiece and keep your kids off the cell? If nothing else, it offers piece of mind.         However, the cell phone has become such a big part of every day life, some users can’t imagine cutting back.  One of those users is Betty Wilson, who says “I don’t think so because I’ve been using it every since they came out so I don’t think so and I have no problem with it.”

Source: via politisite

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