The five-hour scramble to save Natasha Richardson

Barry Artiste Op/Ed
Certainly this new revelation brings a whole new perspective to light in the untimely death of a celeb.


From Saturday’s Globe and Mail

March 27, 2009 at 9:33 PM EDT

MONT TREMBLANT, QUE. — The crackling message over the 911 scanner is delivered with cold precision: The female patient in the ambulance is dazed and concussed, clinging to consciousness.

Natasha Richardson lay on a stretcher inside the speeding vehicle, her mind confused, her breathing aided by oxygen. A fall taken on a ski hill earlier was already, silently, killing her.

“I’m arriving with a female in her 40s … [she’s] disoriented …” the medic radioed to hospital staff. “It’s following … a ski fall that happened at noon. Soon afterward she presents signs of confusion, a concussion.”

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