The Howard Dean 25 could Decide Clinton’s Fate, Your Votes Tossed

The Howard Dean 25 could Decide Clinton’s Fate:

Only in America!  After voters from Florida and Michigan casted their votes by the millions for Hillary Clinton or Undescided (in Michigan) and Clinton and Obama in Florida will have all of their votes tossed for 25 people from the Credientials Committee at the Democratic National Convention in Denver. 

Politico Breaks the Dean 25 story

If, as Hillary Rodham Clinton has suggested, her campaign takes the fight to seat the Florida and Michigan delegations all the way to the Democratic National Convention this summer, the fate of her challenge is all but certain to hinge on 25 individuals appointed to the Credentials Committee by party Chairman Howard Dean.

The Credentials Committee, which also includes 161 members selected from the states based on primary and caucus results, is the 186-member body that will help determine whether to seat the two rogue delegations.

Since it appears virtually impossible for Clinton to win enough of the 161 members to vote out a “majority report” supporting her position — and it is unlikely that Barack Obama will win enough of them, either — the Dean 25 are in a position to hold the balance of power on a procedural matter that could play a pivotal role in deciding the Democratic presidential nomination.

Though these 25 appointees are often assumed to be handpicked Dean loyalists who will take their cues from him on the issue of seating Florida and Michigan, a Politico analysis has found that is far from certain. Many of the 25 are already publicly supporting either Clinton or Obama — and some are barely acquainted with Dean.

“It was important to Gov. Dean that the standing committees be diverse and be representative of the Democratic Party as a whole,” said Democratic National Committee press secretary Stacie Paxton. “He personally asked each nominee if they were prepared to do what’s in the best interest of the country and the Democratic Party before he made the appointment.”

Source: via politisite

Note:  The Photos of Politisite’s Albert N. Milliron and Howard Dean was enhanced.  The uneditied photo is also included

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