The Liberals love Omar Khadr long time!

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

Yeah, the Liberals always looking for revelancy, are taking up the Omar Khadr cause celebre as a child soldier and will actively seeking his release to the safe warm milky busim of Canada, where Omar will enjoy all the cradle to grave welfare and social benefits, his Mother and decease father enjoy, yet continually deride Canada at the same time.  These parents you should know, took an ordinary teen out of his Canadian School and sent him to Afghanistan to fight for Osama Bin Laden, their close personal friend at the time.

In my mind a child soldier is one who is forced to fight in his country of birth, refusal to do so may have dire consequences where warring countrymen may kill his parents, or kill him.  Omar on the other hand is Canadian, lived in Canada. Omar was under no threat by others in his community to fight for Jihad and Allah. Omar and his brothers were not forced to go the middle east to fight for Allah, his parents coerced him with brainwashing.

Funny that his Mother who was a large part in the decision to rip out his childhood and send him to fight is sitting comfortably in Toronto while Omar rots in Gitmo, a mother who still enjoys all the benefits of a  Canadian Citizen, such as welfare, free medical and legal aid was never charged or jailed for this obvious child abuse since day one.  Funny the Liberals don’t focus on that fact, considering it was then Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien who intervened with Pakistan for their fathers release from prison for the terrorist acts of bombing Pakistan institutions and killing Pakistanis.  Once the senior Khadr was released and sent home to Canada, what did he do next?  Why he took his kids with him back to the middle east to commit terrorist acts all over again, all under the then Liberal Governments watch.  This time Daddums was killed in a firefight, and Omar was captured by US Forces where it is said Omar lobbed a Grenade and killed a US Medic. 

So you see, the Liberals may get their wish and votes by forcing the Conservative Prime Minister Harpers hand in getting Omar Khadr back into Canada, problem is, Omar will be placed in the eventual care and guideance of his Mother, a Mommie Dearest who sent him off to Jihad Land in the first place, all for the good graces of Allah!

Chris Selley: The Liberals love Omar Khadr long time! Posted: January 15, 2009, 12:36 AM by Chris Selley

I am someone who believes Omar Khadr should have been brought home to Canada years ago—for all kinds of reasons, but first and foremost because Canada is committed to rehabilitating, not indefinitely detaining, child soldiers. So I am pleased to see Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff take up his cause.

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