The McCanaanite Promises to Fill his Harem with Woman in first Term

 The McCanaanite Promises to Fill his Harem with Woman

 By Albert N. Milliron OP-ED

 “I assure you, with confidence, at the end of my first term you will see a dramatic increase of women in every part of the government, in my administration,” McCain said. “I look you in the eye and I promise.”

So there you have it, if you can’t beat them join them.  Why just one woman, when you can have cupboards full of females.  Oh and don’t think he is not running around looking for a mate, “running mate” for second fiddle.  his short list has become 49% shorter than the last polls that said, McCain can hang on to the disillusioned Woman from the Hillary anger and looking for a fight.  The woman who vowed to vote for McCain over Obama.  The numbers are tapperring off like many predicted and Obama is getting woman back as he is the one who will keep abortion legal, promises health care to all, tax incentives, better leave programs, and equality througout the land.  It’s a story the Democrats have been touting for years but always seem to have an excuse. Blame a Republican has been the one on the top of the political billboard. 

McCain in his virtual town meeting praised Hillary Clinton, another hint he needs their vote,

“Every place that I go, I’m told that Sen. Clinton inspired millions of young women in this country,” McCain said. “And not necessarily young women -– inspired a whole generation of young Americans in this country.”

Wow, what has happened to McCain?  Is he back on the straight talk express or the Gender Talk Express to woo the feminine undecided voters who are searching for what to do this season.  How about John McCain a mans man or in this case a Females man.  Everyone loves a man with a record less a criminal one.  Loves a Man in Uniform and was a hero when just getting out of, “over there” was the order of the day.  He stayed because his buddies could go with him.  He was a man of privileged that just as well could have stayed home with dad and watch less fortunate soldiers die.  A females man.  A man who gambled death on a ship were more than a hundred men died.  He nearly lost his life but he fought with death and won.  This is a ladies man “sorry Mrs McCain”  

He also stressed Bipartisanship in a partisan world.  A Man with a track record that says, “I will cross over to get things done.  Ladies always break up fights.  John Gets him self in trouble, playing with the enemy.  As them what they have done for the county today.

John McCain, R-Ariz., promised today that he would increase the numbers of women in government if he is elected president.

McCain was answering a question at a “virtual town hall” meeting, which his campaign promoted as an opportunity for presumptive Republican presidential nominee to reach out to independents and Democrats, and aimed at former supporters of Sen. Hillary Clinton.

His opening remarks at the event included a long section of praise for Clinton, the Democratic senator who officially suspended her presidential campaign in early June.

He stressed bipartisanship, and took several opportunities to mention his work with Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Ted Kennedy, as well as Wisconsin Sen. Russ Feingold and North Dakota Sen. Byron Dorgan.

McCain’s town hall was not open to the press -– reporters were invited to listen in on a conference call.

“We do many private meetings with potential supporters and offered the media an opportunity to listen to the senator’s remarks,” said Brooke Buchanan, a campaign spokeswoman.

Buchanan said that 75 people were in attendance at the campaign’s Arlington, Va., headquarters, and that others participated over the phone.

Not all of McCain’s answers were likely to appeal to moderate voters. He stressed his continued support for the unpopular war in Iraq, and called Roe vs. Wade “a bad decision.”

“I think we have to convince people that our view, that the rights of the unborn are as important as rights of the born,” McCain said. “Because I think we share the same respect for human life.”

The McCanaanite Promises to Fill his Harem with Woman in first Term

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