The War Inside NBC: From Real Journalism to the Extreme Left

“NBC was once the proud home of real journalists.  People such as Chet Huntley and David Brinkley brought its standards to — and above — the level prevalent in most news organizations.  But now, it’s an asylum for people such as Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann. ”

The guest list for the funeral mass for “Meet the Press” anchor Tim Russert was an “A list” of politicians and media mentionables.  Real reporters mixed with the television personalities and the network executives who control their lives.  It was a black day for journalism in NBC:  Russert’s death released one of the last brakes slowing NBC’s descent into political activism and journalistic irrelevance.

NBC was once the proud home of real journalists.  People such as Chet Huntley and David Brinkley brought its standards to — and above — the level prevalent in most news organizations.  But now, it’s an asylum for people such as Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann.

Matthews has made himself a caricature of the liberal news anchor.  In one memorable moment of the primary season he said he felt, “…this thrill going up my leg…” while listening to an Obama speech. 

Were that not bad enough, NBC’s leadership — NBC-Universal CEO Jeffrey Zucker and NBC News President Steve Capus — are pushing the network off into liberal la-la land.  Russert, who tried hard to be fair to liberals and conservatives alike, was in a shrinking minority.  Except for Russert, the moderates have been marginalized in favor of hyperventilating liberals such as MSNBC dolt-laureate Keith Olbermann. 

The War Inside NBC: From Real Journalism to the Extreme Left The War Inside NBC: From Real Journalism to the Extreme Left

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