This is what the Canadian Refugee is for!

Barry Artiste Op/Ed
Below is a story about a Bhutanese Refugees who recently arrived in Canada, this is what our Refugee system is all about and the people in which it serves.  Not some False refugee claimant who states I’m Gay, I do not want to serve my Country (USA) in armed conflicts, My country has charged me as a criminal (China, turns out once he got to Canada , he was a crimial) or  They want to kill me for my religious beliefs, they will cut off my nibbly bits if I return to Nigeria and other farcical fantasies made up by those looking for a free ride.  Live in this Butanese refugees shoes, that is a bona fide Refugee.

When the days in the refugee camp seemed to last forever, Bhim Lal Kattel prayed to the gods to let his family return home to Bhutan.

Nearly two decades passed. His children grew and his mother aged. Mr. Kattel gave up his dream of reclaiming his family’s farm in southern Bhutan. The grinding boredom at the Goldhap refugee camp in the nearby Himalayan country of Nepal sapped his spirit.

So, at age 37, with an anxious heart, he decided to take his family to a strange, cold land on the other side of the globe.

Mr. Kattel arrived at Vancouver International Airport on Thursday afternoon, his eyes shining with excitement and fatigue. Despite the warm July weather, his wife, Bishnu Maya, and three children, Prakash, 14, Menuka, 12, and Ganesh, 8, were clad in thick sweaters. His 73-year-old mother was pushed through the international gates in a wheelchair.

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