This man wants to reinvent Canadian multiculturalism


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Barry Artiste Op/Ed

Immigration Minister Jason Kenney is fast becoming a rising star in Harper’s Cabinet, common sense seems to be his forte, versus Liberal Trudeauittes who like stands of wheat in the field bend which ever way the ethnic vote blows.  Certainly a man to watch for in a career that has had its ups and downs, but the man always gets back up, brushes aside accusations of racism by liberals who fear the dismantling of the Multicultural and Diversity ideals could be set aside for When in Rome………………you are Roman, regardless where you hail from!

Photo inset: In the past days, Immigration minister Jason Kenney has criticized Canada’s refugee system, called for language requirements for immigrants. He’s just getting started.

Caught in a rare moment inside his Parliament Hill office, Immigration and Multiculturalism minister Jason Kenney is finished his interview with Fox News to talk about American military deserters seeking refuge in Canada. And an interview with a B.C. television station to discuss the case of a Chinese grandmother needing a special permit to visit Canada to tend to an injured grandson. And a TV reporter wanting to talk about Croatian visa policy. At the same time, his communications staff was fielding calls from reporters about the government’s decision to ban British MP George Galloway from visiting Canada, as well as the latest turn in a public battle with the Canadian Arab Federation, and reports on abuses in Canada’s refugee system – after finally managing to put aside, for now, the media and political fallout from the minister’s comments days earlier about strengthening language proficiency requirements for new citizens.

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