Tiger Woods’ public statement: Not sure when he will return to Golf

Woods spoke in broad strokes, never addressing the specifics of the affairs, instead focusing on his behavior as a whole. “I know I have bitterly disappointed all of you,” he said. “I have made you question who I am and how I could have done the things I did. I’m embarrassed that I have put you in this position. For all that I have done, I am so sorry.” Woods declined to provide specifics on what exactly transpired between him and his wife Elin – who was not present at the press conference – on the evening of the car accident. He did, however, clear up rumors about alleged abuse. “I have a lot to atone for, but there’s one issue I really want to discuss,” Woods said. “Elin never hit me that night or any other night. There has never been an episode of domestic violence.” He continued: “Elin deserves praise, not blame. The issue involved here was my repeated, irresponsible behavior.” Later, he said that the problems between him and Elin are “between a husband and a wife” and that “What we say to each other will remain between the two of us.”

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via Tiger Woods’ public statement: What did you think? | EW.com.