Trump Campaign Strategy Allegations of Extreme Moderator Bias ahead of Debate

Trump Tapper

Trumps Campaign is revealing its pre-debate strategy by going after the debate moderators  especially CNNs Jake Tapper

Heading into Thursday’s weirdly early CNN presidential debate, both Joe Biden and Donald Trump are looking to raise expectations for their opponent and lower them for themselves. Trump is having some trouble with the first part of this strategy: He can’t seem to decide if Biden is a “worthy debater” or a feeble old man who needs to be “jacked up” on drugs just to put together a full sentence.

But Team Trump has had no trouble executing the second part of the plan: lowering expectations by highlighting the alleged anti-Trump bias of debate co-moderator Jake Tapper (and, to a lesser extent, co-moderator Dana Bash).

Trump got the ball rolling earlier this month on Logan Paul’s podcast. He mentioned Tapper (or “Fake Tapper”) several times while predicting that there’s only “a good 10 percent chance” that the network will be fair to him at the debate. He said the Biden team “thought I’d turn CNN down. Look, CNN is the enemy, and they thought I was going to turn CNN and Tapper” down. – Read the Rest at: Trump Stokes Feud With Tapper

Earlier today, Trump national campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt went on CNN and brought up poltential bias of Debate Moderators  but Host Kasie Hunt went into defense mode and literally cut Leavitt off.  some are equating the tactic similar to law enforcement, ‘Blue Wall’ protecting an unlawful action by another officer.

“CNN cutting off my microphone for bringing up a debate moderator’s history of anti-Trump lies just proves our point that President Trump will not be treated fairly in Thursday’s debate. Yet President Trump is still willing to go into this 3-1 fight to bring his winning message to the American people, and he will win,” Trump national campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt told Fox News Digital on Monday morning.

Leavitt was abruptly cut off during an interview with CNN host Kasie Hunt on Monday morning, after criticizing CNN hosts Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, who will moderate Thursday’s debate between Trump and Biden.

“That’s why President Trump is knowingly going into a hostile environment on this very network, on CNN, with debate moderators who have made their opinions about him very well known over the past eight years. And their biased coverage of him,” Leavitt said on CNN, previewing the debate. Read the rest at: CNN History of Anti-Trump Lies

Maybe its time to re-think the debate moderators as there is indeed a notable bias present.  But maybe the Trump campaign wants to keep them in place, as it surely provides and argument in case of a poor debate performance.

Trump Tapper