Two Largest Papers in SC Endorses Obama

Two of the Largest Papers in South Carolina Endorse Obama 


2nd Big SC Paper Endorses Obama

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Wednesday picked up the endorsement of The Greenville News, which gives the Illinois senator the backing of two of South Carolina’s largest newspapers.

“Barack Obama has emerged as one of the most attractive candidates on the political scene in decades. He has a refreshing lack of political guile, and he inspires with his words and with his life’s story,” the newspaper said in an editorial posted on its Web site. “Obama brings characteristics to this primary that lift up many people and elevate their sense of hope.”

The newspaper said New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has slightly more experience and that she also is qualified to lead the country. “But despite whatever positive attributes Clinton could bring to the White House, she would undeniably continue this country’s politics of division,” the editorial said.

The newspaper noted the Democrats have similar positions on issues including the Iraq War, health care and the economy, and their views do not mesh with many of the newspaper’s editorial-page stances. It also said the campaign of former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards “lacks the vibrancy of his effort four years ago.”

The (Columbia) State endorsed Obama on Tuesday. The Post and Courier of Charleston has yet to make an endorsement in advance of Saturday’s primary. All three newspapers endorsed Arizona Sen. John McCain before his GOP primary win here last week.

Source: via politisite

Obama WINS!!

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