Two South Carolina men seek forgiveness for Racism




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‘The times they are a changing’,  is more then a Bob Dylan Lyric in Rock Hill South Carolina. After four decades,  two men  who were caught up in the racist south  asked forgiveness of the very folks they would injure or shout racist remarks toward.  The State News paper in Columbia, South Carolina tells the story

Next to a lunch counter that was segregated for so long sat a table of two white people and five black people Friday afternoon. Conversation quickly took them back to Jan. 31, 1961.

Elwin Wilson, one of those white men, had come that day to that very lunch counter four steps away from where he was now, wanting to pull one of those black men off the stool. He wanted to give a beating.

The other white man, Steve Coleman, had been just outside, among so many, wanting to scream racial epithets.

But 48 years on, Wilson, now 72, and Coleman, in his mid-60s, wanted something entirely different from these five black people.

They wanted forgiveness.

Please click on the Source link and read the wider article at The State Newspaper.


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