Two Time Convicted Repeat rapist jailed 13 years

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

The problem I have with this story is Two Time Convicted Rapist! This means it is not his first or 2nd offence, and we wonder why Canadians have lost virtually all confidence in our Courts system.  Nancy Canada at its Finest.

Would any Jury convict the victim or victims family or friends for taking the law in their own hands, when the courts fail to do what is right?

CALGARY — The brutal and degrading rape of a city woman at the hands of a twice-convicted sex offender has landed him a 13-year prison term.

Justice Marsha Erb yesterday said a lengthy punishment was needed for James Dee Lemmon, in part to keep him behind bars and away from the public.

As a result, Erb also ordered Lemmon must serve at least half his sentence before the National Parole Board can consider him for release.


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