U.N.: Haiti needs emergency funding Now

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti, April 19 (UPI) — Haiti will remain volatile unless the poor Caribbean country receives emergency funds for food programs and other development projects, said a U.N. official.

Humanitarian and Resident Coordinator for Haiti Joel Boutroue said Friday that daily living condition for the majority of Haitians are still dire amid rising food prices, and that international donations were needed to help improve the lives of millions.

More than half of Haitians live on less than $1 a day, the United Nations said. Anger over food price increases sparked nationwide protests that left five people dead last week.

“If we don’t react very strongly, then we could find ourselves in a very difficult state,” said Boutroue. “The level of poverty, combined with the lack of coping mechanisms for the poorest Haitians, means we have the potential for a very explosive situation.”

Source: upi.com via politisite

U.N.: Haiti needs emergency funding Now

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