U.S. Marine faces jail for allegedly faking injuries

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

Ah yes, Armchair warriors, who enjoy regaling those of exploits earned by others.

I remember a Drill Instructor, a waxed pointy mustachioed ear to ear little corporal in basic training, perhaps all of 40 years old, but to me as an naive 18 year old recruit believed everything that came out of his mouth as he drilled us relentlessly, until I did the math when recalling his battle fueled exploits in my thirties and thought …………..

Ya Lying Bastard!

SABILLASVILLE, Md. – On a sultry day in July 2008, U.S. Marine Sgt. David W. Budwah strode in his battle fatigues to the front of a picnic pavilion to tell three dozen young boys what he did during the war.

With his clear gaze, rigid posture and muscled, tattooed arms, Budwah looked every inch the hero he claimed to be. He said he was on his second tour of duty in Afghanistan when a homemade grenade exploded, wounding his face and arm when he dove to shield a buddy from the blast.

Source: cnews.canoe.ca

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