U.S. media struggle through Obama visit


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Barry Artiste Op/Ed

Certainly one reporter was correct in stating, This is the most exciting event in Canada’s History of History, judging by the Hype over President Obama’s Visit.

One nice aspect was Obama stating to our Governor General was that he loved Canada and was touched by Canadians reponse to his visit.  In addition Obama stated if things do not go so well in the United States during his term as President, Obama stated to our Governor General , he’d pack up the family wagon and move to Canada!  Obama also broke protocol and made a side trip to the Historic byward market to shake hands with the crowd, play tourist and buy some baked goods and souvenirs for his family.  I guess Ottawa’s wintry weather made an impression on him, watching people skating on the Rideau Canal, touted to be the worlds longest skating rink at over a 50 miles long.

WASHINGTON — One CNN anchor had apparently never seen the Mounties before, and those who recognized one of Canada’s most iconic national symbols noted the absence of their horses.

Others seemed enthralled by how wintry Ottawa was, while some on-air personalities struggled mightily to pronounce “Michaelle Jean” and “charge d’affaires.”

Source: cnews.canoe.ca

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