Ukraine: Russians at the gates again


Barry Artiste, Now Public Contributor

The Ukraine during communism suffered Soviet oppression, until the Ukraine’s Orange Revolutionaries took independence from Russia, much to Moscow’s displeasure, shown by trade barriers, gas supplies cut off, and border and visa restrictions.

After Georgia being invaded, Poland taking a stand with US as an ally, will Russia stand by and wait for the Ukraine to take up with an ally.

One thinks not.

The Soviets do not like to lose face or power, though they have the power of natural resources which they may use to their full advantage with their former Ukraine territory.

Ukraine: Russians at the gates again

Posted: August 21, 2008, 8:36 AM

by Diane Francis

(Photo Inset) The face of Soviet oppression: Ukraine’s Orange Revolutionaries after he was poisoned

Soviet onslaught With Georgia indefinitely in Russia’s clutches, militarily or psychologically, can Ukraine be far behind?

That’s my 46-million question which is the number of people who live in Ukraine.

The country gained independence in 1989 then suffered a succession of corrupt and inept leaders.

Russia backed fraudulent elections and its candidate, Viktor Yanokovich, who nearly stole the presidency. But Ukrainians stood up to this fraud even after their candidate, President Viktor Yushenko, was nearly murdered with poison.

In November 2004, the Orange Revolution began as Ukrainians took to the streets and the courts and rescued their country from Moscow’s clutch.

Now Ukraine is a member of the WTO, applicant to NATO and the EU and its Orange Revolutionaries run the country — Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and President Viktor Yushchenko.

But there are problems with pipeline disruptions, treaty negotiations and other irritants. Most seriously, however, are indications that a separatist movement is being seeded in the portions of Ukraine that are heavily populated by ethnic Russians.

Ukraine: Russians at the gates again Ukraine: Russians at the gates again

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