Van Der Sloot Confesses to Natalee Holloway Death

Holloway case: full confession on Netherland SBS-6 television

by Theo Tamis


“On the beach…she wasn’t ticking anymore. So I went to a phone booth and called this friend. […] He went into the sea and dumped her.”

 Suspect Joran van der Sloot

He had billed it as “the most interesting and revealing crime show” of his career and it was sold to US networks before it was broadcast on Dutch television. In a gripping two-hour whodunit, crime reporter Peter R. de Vries reconstructed in detail what happened on that fateful night on a sandy Caribbean beach in mid-2005.

De Vries took his viewers to Aruba where, on 30 May 2005, US teenager Natalee Holloway was celebrating the final night of her high school graduation trip to the island.

She met a 17-year-old Dutch student, Joran van der Sloot, in the casino of her hotel. He and his friends drove her to a beach late at night. The friends said goodbye, Joran van der Sloot spent some time with her. Natalee Holloway vanished, never seen again.

That, in a nutshell, was the official story, one that Dutch viewers, and certainly the Justice authorities on Aruba, were familiar with. But Peter R. de Vries had managed to obtain a full confession from the main suspect. He had a Range Rover rigged with several hidden cameras and instructed the driver, a Caribbean-born entrepreneur who had befriended Van der Sloot six months before, to ask the student some pointed questions.

“Didn’t tick anymore”
The video footage shows Joran van der Sloot smoking hashish and telling his friend on several occasions the details of what happened on Aruba two and a half years ago. 

He describes how he had sex with the young American woman, that all of a sudden “she started shaking and didn’t tick anymore”, how he phoned an friend who owned a boat and who then came over to the beach to help him to dispose of the body at sea. 

Again, most Dutch viewers had already heard much of that part too. It was leaked to the press on Friday and Joran van der Sloot was quick to respond.

“So dumb”
Speaking by telephone on a late-evening talk show on Friday, Van der Sloot said he was retrospectively kicking himself for having said all this: “It’s so dumb, so dumb. It’s really dumb. I said something; something I shouldn’t have said.” However, he also added that “It is also easy to prove that what I said is not true,” although he appeared not to know how this could be done.

“The American girls were drinking, taking coke… I told them I had to go to school tomorrow. I could see Natalee’s friend wanted to have sex. […] She said, pointing to Natalee, ‘that girl fancies you.'”

“That whore… she ordered a jelly shot, which I drank from her bellybutton while she was lying on the bar… I gave her a Bacardi 151 (75 percent alcohol)…wanted to f*** her. […] She said she didn’t want me to take her back to the hotel. She wanted to see the sharks [there are no sharks near the island, ed].”

 Joran van der Sloot

Van der Sloot maintained his innocence: “It’s a story I told my friend because I knew that it was what he wanted to hear”.

“All of a sudden, she started shaking all over… there was no one there… So I talked to her. And she didn’t say anything.”

“I told my friend ‘I have a problem’. I moved her to a mangrove-bush… I was shaking that bitch, nearly cried – why did this shit happen to me?”

“He was there as well… it was 2.30 A.M… he has his own boat”

“I know what happened to her. She is dead, of course. […] I would never kill a girl… I was lucky: the ocean is big enough. I think I’ll never get caught for this. […] If you go farther than two kilometres, she’ll never be found.”

 Joran van der Sloot

Source: via politisite

Van Der Sloot Denies he told the Truth in Tape

Jeroen van der Sloot ‘confesses’ to false confession

by Jamila Baaziz*


Joran van der Sloot says that he has lied once again about the disappearance on the island of Aruba of US high school student Natalee Holloway. Earlier this week, it was revealed that Dutch crime reporter Peter R. de Vries has video footage in his possession – recorded secretly – on which Joran van der Sloot can be heard telling a friend that he dumped the body of the missing young woman. Interviewed on Dutch public television on Friday evening, he said that this claim on his part was a lie.

Joran van der Sloot – who has been questioned on several occasions by the police on the Caribbean island of Aruba where Natalee Holloway went missing at the end of her holiday there – now says that he told the friend in question ‘what he wanted to hear’. 

He told his friend that he had sex with the young American woman, and that she became ill afterwards and then died. He then phoned an anonymous friend who then helped him get rid of her body from a boat.

Speaking by telephone on Dutch television’s popular late-evening Pauw en Witteman talk show, Joran van der Sloot said he was retrospectively kicking himself for having said this: “It’s so dumb, so dumb. It’s really dumb. I said something; something I shouldn’t have said.” However, he also added that “It is also easy to prove that what I said is not true,” although he appeared not to know how this could be done.

No arrests
Joran van der Sloot’s videoed ‘confession’ is part of the material Peter R. de Vries has put together on the unsolved mystery of Natalee Holloway’s disappearance on the island of Aruba (an autonomous state within the Kingdom of the Netherlands).

A well-known crime reporter in the Netherlands, Mr de Vries will be presenting this material in a special two-hour programme to be broadcast on one of the Netherlands commercial TV stations on Sunday, 3 February.


Earlier this week, he announced that, thanks to his own investigations, the Holloway case is now more or less solved, and that all will be revealed during his television programme. He has already notified the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Aruba and also asked Natalee’s mother, Beth Twitty, to come to the Netherlands so that he could present his findings to her in person in advance of the broadcast.

The Aruban Public Prosecutor’s Office has since reopened the investigation into the disappearance on the basis of the new material, although there has been no word so far of any new arrests being made in connection with it.

The Peter R. de Vries programme containing this ‘new information’ is being looked forward to on Aruba itself with understandably great anticipation. A local newspaper has already published part of a leaked conversation between the crime reporter and Aruba’s Public Prosecution chief Hans Mos, in which Mr Mos talks of Joran van der Sloot ‘coming out’. It’s not yet exactly clear what Mr Mos meant by this, although he was talking at the time about the video material of Joran van der Sloot’s ‘confession’ to a friend.

Source: via politisite

Van Der Sloot Blog

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Exclusive Pictures
Joran Van Der Sloot enjoying his recent visit to Aruba…


(Click here for more pictures)

posted by Joranblog at 12:57 AM 59 comments

Joran Van Der Sloot Blog

Source: via politisite

The News goes World Wide


In a conversation caught on hidden video cameras Joran van der Sloot admitted to a friend that he had been with Natalee Holloway when she died on an Aruban beach in May 2005. The startling admission was caught on camera by Dutch television crime reporter Peter R. de Vries who had rigged a Range Rover with cameras that recorded Van der Sloot acknowledging that he was on a beach with the 18-year-old high school graduate and that “”she suddenly didn’t do anything anymore.” 

During that conversation Van der Sloot said he had made attempts to revive Holloway but then contacted a friend in hopes they would help dispose of the body. The recording caught Van der Sloot saying “the ocean is big,” an indication that Holloway’s body may have been dropped at sea.

Source: via politisite

Van der Sloot 'confesses'  to Holloway Death Joran confession about Natalee's last moments - EN subtitles Natalee Holloway - Confession tape 1 d sloot admits on hidden camera,at Peter R_ de Vries

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