Vancouver: Where to Live in a Crime Free Zone

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

Those in the know say Crime Stats are dropping in the last decade, looking at recent crime stats for just 30 days from September to October 2008, it makes me shake my head and go WTF?  You’re kidding right? If this is a reduction, we are really screwed!

There is a place in Vancouver where Crime in Nil, take a look at the links below and see if you can find it.  If you look real, real hard you can find it.

Give up? It is my place, cause anyone thinking of breaking in, well let’s put it this way, anyone who is foolish to break in to my place will get both barrels, and if he survives will need a Wheelchair Ramp access for the next house they intend to break into.

Below are crime states from assaults, breakins, theft in a tiny 11km by 11kn area in Vancouver, these stats are current and all the crimes committed below are just for a one month period from September to October 2008.

Ridiculous isn’t it, Horrific is more the word I would describe it.

A friggin National Disaster is more like it.  No wonder the Media call British Columbia Crime Central in all of Canada.

Now you tell me Crime is not a problem in this city, which is for the most part 5 x 5 miles in diameter?

Cause apparently Politicians and Justices do not think it is a big concern apparently when they continue to release criminals time and time back into society time and time again.

The recent election had Liberals and New Democrats concentrating on Environment as a platform, leaving many to believe they didn’t think Crime was a big problem, and voters let these two federal political parties know in no uncertain terms, Crime trumped Environment hands down, by saying to them enough is enough, giving the elected Conservatives in this country who thought crime was serious enough, to push forward a clear mandate to do something.

Remember Now Public Readers these crime stats published here are not for a whole year, they are just for one month. Shocking!

Time to fire the entire provincial justice system and hire judges who insist on crime and punishment and lock em up for good.

Residential break-ins still a problem Most are crimes of opportunity, with some offenders breaking in to five or six residences in a single day

Susan Lazaruk, The Province Published: Sunday, October 19, 2008

Crime has been dropping in Vancouver over the past decade or so, but homeowners are still being hit hard by residential break-ins; less than once every two hours last month someone’s home was broken into somewhere in the city.

Residents reported 349 break-and-enter crimes between Sept. 7 and Oct. 4, a five-per-cent hike over the previous 28-day period.

Most of the month-over-month increase, between 11 and 13 per cent, happened in the east, including the Downtown Eastside, according to frequent stats collected and charted by police to assist the department in identifying trends or trouble spots.

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Vancouver: Where to Live in a Crime Free Zone Vancouver: Where to Live in a Crime Free Zone Vancouver: Where to Live in a Crime Free Zone Vancouver: Where to Live in a Crime Free Zone Vancouver: Where to Live in a Crime Free Zone Vancouver: Where to Live in a Crime Free Zone Vancouver: Where to Live in a Crime Free Zone Vancouver: Where to Live in a Crime Free Zone

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