Victoria man gets 10 years in prison in HIV sex-assault case

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

So many obvious questions, with the first question being, did these women ever hear of protected sex?

The next question, when immigrating to Canada, potential immigrants must undergo Health Examinations in their native country, by Doctors selected by Immigration Canada. Was this man admitted to Canada, by authourities who knew he was infected with HIV?

Lastly, the man has been in this country since 2001, one can be sure he had unprotected sex with more than 4 women!  So will it be a matter of time before unsuspecting women find out when they go the doctors to discover they too are infected?

Blame can be laid on Immigration Canada’s lax rules for admission under the then Federal Liberal Governments watch, the women who had unprotected sex with a stranger, and lastly the man who knowingly duped these women to a death sentence, whose only closure may one day come with the closing of a coffin lid.


A member of a popular Victoria marimba band has been sentenced to 10 years less three days for having unprotected sex with four Greater Victoria women without telling them he was HIV positive.

On March 2, Charles Kokanai Mzite, 37, was convicted of four counts of aggravated sexual assault between May 2001 and November 2005. Today, B.C. Supreme Court Justice Robert Johnston told Mzite he had committed offences that could only be described as “profoundly selfish.”

“You infected one woman and exposed three others to very serious risk to satisfy your own needs for intimacy and sexual gratification,” said Johnston.

“Each of the complaints would have refused to have sexual intercourse with Mr. Mzite if she’d known he was HIV positive. Each of the cases occurred in the context of a relationship. … Each of the victims felt safe because he denied he was HIV positive.”

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