Virginia GOP Chairman Compares Obama to Bin Laden

Presidential John McCain came out to abruptly to distance himself from what he calls, “fringe” members of the Party.  He made this statement during an interview with CNN

RICHMOND — The chairman of the Virginia Republican Party has compared Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama to Osama bin Laden because of the Illinois senator’s past association with Bill Ayers, who has confessed to domestic bombings as a member of the Vietnam War-era Weather Underground.

Virginia Democrats, and some Republicans, are outraged, saying these are the latest in a series of inflammatory statements that the GOP has made against Obama in Virginia, a state that has emerged as a crucial battleground in the election.

According to a report in this week’s Time magazine, the Virginia party chairman, Del. Jeffrey M. Frederick (R-Prince William), told Virginia volunteers working for GOP nominee John McCain that Obama and bin Laden “both have friends that bombed the Pentagon.”

“That is scary,” Frederick said while providing talking points to GOP volunteers in western Prince William County as they prepared for a door-to-door canvass.

Several McCain surrogates have blasted Obama for his association with Ayers, but few, if any, have invoked bin Laden.

John McCain’s responce

….Gail Gitcho, a McCain spokeswoman, also denounced Frederick’s remarks, calling them “not appropriate.”

“While Barack Obama is associated with domestic terrorist William Ayers, the McCain campaign disagrees with the comparison that Jeff Frederick made,” Gitcho said.

Virginia GOP Chairman Compares Obama to Bin Laden

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