Wal-Mart: Tells Employees not to Vote for Democrats

A Wall Street Journal article today exposed that Wal-Mart is using employee meetings  tout its political message, telling them not to vote for Democrats in the November election. The reason Wall-Mart is boldly doing this is the Democrats have legislation that would make it easier for workers to organize unions. The WSJ reported that according to those who attended these meetings, the message was if empoyees vote for  Barack Obama and other Democrats,  it would open them up to Union take overs.

The following is a statement from Change to Win executive director Chris Chafe in response.

“In an election season driven by the desire for change and a demand by working families for better jobs, better wages, pension security and health care for all Americans, it should come as no surprise that Wal-Mart is weighing-in heavily — and possibly illegally — with its employees over the choices they face this November. Wal-Mart’s tactics are designed to intimidate their employees and discourage them from considering choices that would strengthen their voices on the job and bring tangible change for all American workers.

“Wal-Mart’s track record is clear. When workers try to organize a union, they are met with internal intimidation campaigns and illegal firings. Where workers succeed in gaining a voice on job, their departments are eliminated or their stores are permanently closed. It should be no surprise that Wal-Mart would stretch the limits of the law in an attempt to deny their workers’ rights and kill the Employee Free Choice Act. The company knows what all union workers know: workers in unions earn 29 percent higher wages on average, are 62 percent more likely to have employer health coverage, and four times more likely to have a pension.

“Shame on Wal-Mart. The industry leader’s attempts to skirt the law, and use scare tactics to alter the outcome of the election is nothing less than disgraceful.”

Wal-Mart: Tells Employees not to Vote for Democrats

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