Watchdog Accuses Obama Justice Department of Ignoring ACORN Fraud

Judical Watch has obtained nearly 500 pages of FBI documents complaining about ACORN voter fraud Consequently they accuse the DOJ of willingly dropping the ball on bringing action against the group.

The Obama Justice Department administration shut down an investigation into ACORN last year, ignoring evidence of fraud at the community group, a government watchdog claimed Thursday, citing investigative documents it obtained.
The watchdog, Judicial Watch, in releasing the documents, accused ACORN of “evident criminal conduct” and suggested that Obama’s past ties to ACORN played a role in the investigation’s conclusion.
ACORN responded by emphasizing that it was cleared of wrongdoing, though the federal investigation found problems with how the organization hires and trains employees.
The investigation stemmed from complaints made in 2008 by two Republican officials in Connecticut. In Stamford, Republican Registrar Lucy Corelli said her office rejected 300 of 1,200 ACORN voter registration cards because of “duplicates, underage, illegible and invalid address,” causing $20,000 in extra work. In Bridgeport, Republican Registrar Joseph Borges said an ACORN drive “produced over 100 rejections due to incomplete forms and individuals who were not citizens.”
The Justice Department noted that ACORN had engaged in “questionable hiring and training practices” but closed the case, claiming no election laws had been broken.

Read the Full story at – Watchdog Accuses Obama Justice Department of Ignoring ACORN Fraud.
Related Stories:
Obama Justice Department Shut Down Federal ACORN Investigation

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