What makes border guards so mean?

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

HHMMM, Wow thats a Poser,  why ARE border guards so mean?

Guess it wouldn’t have anything to do with British Columbia’s Seive of a Justice Department letting all manner of criminal elements out on bail from rape to gun and drug running.  Ohh Pray tell, that would make me a little incensed when the Wild, Wild West is north of Washington state when the law of the land is non existent.  Course the other manner being Canadian Customs Agents being caught being complicit in running drugs and all manner of illegal activities.  Perhaps it is Canadian citizens who still after 2 decades still can’t speak the Queens English, surely that would be a Red Flag on both sides of the border, because Canada does not require people in this country to learn english or french. Yep, I can see why some guards are pretty surly when asking questions and are greeted with a look of Deer in the Headlights look from travellers who haven’t a clue what the guard are asking.  And don’t get me started on the Turd who insisted the US Border Guard say “Please”, to me that’s asking for a Tasering.

In my time with CCRA, I heard and witnessed tons of horror stories from both US and Canada Customs, when you see an endless line of travellers, you want the line to speed up, and when you meet the travellers unclued on the concept of  Sir, Madam, Please turn off/down your radio, do you have ID, What do you mean “WHY? when I ask you where you Live? or “this car is not registered to you?” You are just going for cheap gas, yet you have two suitcases in the trunk, or the best for last do you have any weapons? NO!  Boy, that 357 Magnum speed loader on your Truck’s dash is a dead giveaway!

Small wonder they are a little pissed, when confronted by those who are complete morons.

Omar El Akkad

From Saturday’s Globe and Mail Last updated on Monday, Jul. 06, 2009 03:48AM EDT

There’s a story from border-guard lore about the day Ahmed Ressam drove from Canada into the U.S. to detonate a bomb in Los Angeles.

Mr. Ressam – the only convicted terrorist caught trying to enter the U.S. from Canada – drove a rental car onto the ferry from Victoria to Washington State in December of 1999. U.S. border inspectors searching his car found some white powder in the trunk, and began testing it as though it were a drug. But after watching Mr. Ressam’s panicked reaction to the way they were handling what turned out to be a massive explosive, they figured maybe they had something else on their hands.

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