Whats so Fair about a Tax? “FairTax Act of 2007” Nix the IRS


Congressman Broun Cosponsors “FairTax Act of 2007”; Calls for Elimination of the Internal Revenue Service
Broun: “Adopting the FairTax and eliminating the Internal Revenue Service are ideas whose times have come.” February 7, 2008

Washington D.C.-  Congressman Paul Broun today announced his co-sponsorship of H.R. 25, the “FairTax Act of 2007.” This bi-partisan legislation, which was introduced by Rep. John Linder (R-GA) and Rep. Dan Boren (D-OK), repeals all corporate and individual income taxes, payroll taxes, self-employment taxes, capital gains taxes, and gift taxes in favor of the simpler, consumption-based FairTax. The FairTax would be collected at the point of sale, and its adoption would allow for the elimination of the excessively bureaucratic and needlessly intrusive Internal Revenue Service.

“Adopting the FairTax and eliminating the Internal Revenue Service are ideas whose times have come,” said Broun. “For too long the American people have been asked to comply with an incomprehensible, loophole riddled, lobbyist friendly income tax code that makes it far too easy for innocent taxpayers to find themselves left to the mercy of a punitive Internal Revenue Service.  By adopting the FairTax, we can turn the tables and empower taxpayers to control how much of their money they are willing to send to Washington while also eliminating the need for the IRS. Switching to the FairTax would stimulate our economy by promoting saving and by immediately lowering the embedded costs of all goods and services. The FairTax is good for the economy, and advances my goal of limiting the size and scope of government’s reach into people’s lives. I am proud to co-sponsor this legislation, and I commend Rep. Linder for leading the effort to pass it.”

Congressman Broun is the 69th Member of Congress to agree to co-sponsor this legislation.
For your convenience, the following MP3 files of Congressman Broun discussing the FairTax have been attached to this release:
FairTax Track 1: “Adopting the FairTax…ideas whose time have come”- 10 seconds
FairTax Track 2: “For too long the American people have…punitive Internal Revenue Service”- 20 seconds
FairTax Track 3: “By adopting the FairTax…eliminating the need for the IRS”- 17 seconds.
FairTax Track 4: “Switching to the FairTax would…lowering the embedded costs of all goods and services.”- 13 seconds.
FairTax Track 5: “The FairTax is good for the economy…limiting the size and scope of government’s reach into people’s lives”- 13 seconds.
FairTax Track 6: “I am proud to co-sponsor… and I commend Rep. Linder”- 10 seconds.

Source: broun.house.gov

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