White House: Daschle’s Tax Failure Was a ‘Serious Mistake’




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 Back tax issues doesn’t seem to  bother President Obama when picking cabinet positions.  President Obama and other top Democrats are calling failure to pay taxes a serious but forgivable mistake.  When Linda Chavez was up for Labor Secretary in 2001 under President Bush, she was ousted quickly due to tax issues.  In 1993 Zoe Baird withdrew as Attorney General nominee after failing to pay taxes.  The right is wondering if this is  change Americans can be deceived in?  Paying ones taxes was toughed as being  Patriotic by the now Vice-President Biden.  Based on Bidens criteria, are Obama’s nominees un-patriotic?

The White House today called Tom Daschle’s failure to pay more than $100,000 in back taxes a “serious mistake,” but the president still “absolutely” supports his nomination to be secretary of Health and Human Services.

In this Dec. 11, 2008 file photo, President-elect Barack Obama, right, stands with Health and Human… ExpandIn this Dec. 11, 2008 file photo, President-elect Barack Obama, right, stands with Health and Human Services Secretary-designate, former Senate Majority Leader Thomas Daschle, during a news conference in Chicago. Daschle recently filed amended tax returns to report $128,203 in unpaid taxes and $11,964 in interest, according to a Senate document obtained by The Associated Press. Collapse (Charles Dharapak/AP Photo )

The White House backing came on a day when the beleaguered nominee apologized and said he was “deeply embarrassed” over the tax flap.

In an effort to end the controversy over Daschle’s nomination as HHS secretary, a key Democrat also voiced his support and Daschle agreed to be grilled about his tax issues today by the 23 members of the Senate Finance Committee.

Source: abcnews.go.com

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