Who is David Nolan and what is the Nolan Chart

David F. Nolan is famous among libertarians for two major achievements. He’s a co-founder of the Libertarian Party — in fact, that party was formed in his own living room in 1971.
In 1970, he created a new map of the political world that has all but replaced the old-fashioned left-right linear model. A Google search for the phrase “Nolan Chart” recently turned up 17,400 references!
This groundbreaking achievement earned Mr. Nolan a listing in 2,000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 20th Century, published by the International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England.
The “Nolan Chart” is the basis for the Advocates for Self-Government’s world-famous World’s Smallest Political Quiz. which has been taken millions of times online, is referred to in over a dozen leading textbooks, and has been used in hundreds of classrooms around the world.
In addition, Nolan has a long history of important political activism and leadership, dating back to the early days of the modern libertarian movement. He’s played countless roles as a libertarian leader and grassroots activist since the mid-1960’s, and is the author of “The Essence of Liberty.”.
He holds a degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and has worked for four decades in advertising, marketing and publishing.
The following profile of David Nolan appeared in the Summer 1996 issue of The Liberator, published by the Advocates for Self-Government.
via David Nolan – Libertarian Celebrity.