Why did Clinton Replace a Latino with a Black Campaign Manager ?

 Why did Clinton Replace a Latino with a Black Campaign Manager

Did Hillary Clinton switch Campaign Managers to put her in a better light with Black Voters? I have been covering politics for years and when it comes to the Clinton’s I have become very cynical.  I ask myself questions with every move they make. 

Question one: What is the back drop of events that have occurred? Question Two:  What is the secondary gain for the move? Question Three:  What is the desired outcome of this move?

Why have I become this way.  The Clinton are very slick and calculated with every move they make.  Do you remember Jan 17 1998 when the  Drudge Report breaks the story about a White House interns sexual affair with President Clinton.  To move media away from the testimony of Lewinsky,  a  cruise missile strikes in Afghanistan and Sudan, “Our target was terror. Our mission was clear,” Clinton said.  From that moment whenever a Clinton did something, I looked at the Backdrop, secondary gain, and desired outcome of any move made by the White House. “Our target was terror. Our mission was clear,” is Clinton speak for I am terrified, I have been found out,  and our mission is to get the news services off the Lewinsky Topic.

So what is the reason behind Hilliary’s move to replace Doyle with With Williams?  She didn’t get the Hispanic vote needed to Beat Obama and now is desperate to get the African American vote in the Potomac Primaries which is heavily weighted with with Black voters.  The problem comes when she moves to the Texas primary.   Its not a bad thing to be cynical when it comes to politics.  Especially with the Clinton’s.

Think I am alone in my thought process?  Think I am a conspiracy Theorist?  Not so fast, Folks on both sides are talking about this issue. A well placed tear, a well placed missile, a dis to blacks in SC… makes you think, doesn’t it? 

Here is some of the chatter in the blogs and news about this issue


Mrs. Clinton, meanwhile, replaced Patti Solis Doyle, who led her campaign since it began last year and whom she regarded almost as an adopted daughter. In her place, she named another longtime aide, Maggie Williams.

The switch occurred at a time when Mrs. Clinton has found her campaign in a slump, coming off a split victory in a multistate round of nominating contests on Feb. 5 and losing badly in a string of state caucuses that relied on a high level of on-the-ground organizational skills at which the Obama campaign excelled.

At the same time, she suffered a setback over money, and though in recent days the campaign has boasted of a $10 million month and many new donors, it never built the online donor base that Ms. Doyle had promised. Nor did it adapt to Mr. Obama’s message of inspiration as his campaign grew in strength, prolonging the battle long past the point when Mrs. Clinton was expected by her strategists to have clinched the nomination.

The replacement of Ms. Doyle was in part a signal to donors and other supporters that the campaign was regrouping and was poised to right itself, even as Mrs. Clinton faces uncertain prospects Tuesday in contests in Virginia, MarylandDistrict of Columbia.

[/q]Hillarys’s potential Latino(a) Problem

I had a feeling this would happen, but apparently the recent “reshuffling” of the Clinton campaign team – with Patti Solis Doyle stepping aside in favor of another longtime Clinton advisor Maggie Williams – is causing some tension among a Latino superdelegate and El Diario/La Prensa (described as “the largest and oldest Spanish-language daily newspaper in New York City, and the oldest Spanish-language daily in the United States.”)

The e-mail from, Steven Ybarra, a California superdelegate who heads the voting-rights committee of the DNC Hispanic Caucus, was sent to fellow caucus members in the hours after word broke that Solis Doyle – the most prominent Latina in Clinton’s campaign – would be replaced by another close Clinton loyalist, Maggie Williams, who is black.

Source: mydd.com via politisite


February 12, 2008 — A prominent member of the national Democratic Party has circulated a sharp e-mail saying the removal of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle was disloyal to Hispanics and should give “pause” to superdelegates and voters.

The e-mail from, Steven Ybarra, a California superdelegate who heads the voting-rights committee of the DNC Hispanic Caucus, was sent to fellow caucus members in the hours after word broke that Solis Doyle – the most prominent Latina in Clinton’s campaign – would be replaced by another close Clinton loyalist, Maggie Williams, who is black.

The e-mail noted that Clinton, who is looking to Latino voters for a boost in the Texas and Ohio primaries on March 4, scored heavily with Hispanics in her California win.

“Apparently, loyalty is not a two-way street,” he wrote. “Latino superdelegates like myself . . . will have cause to pause.”

Ybarra told The Post yesterday that the loss of Solis Doyle, a child of Mexican immigrants, just weeks before the Texas primary, where 36 percent of the population is Hispanic, was “dumb as a stump.”

Contacted for comment, the typically press-shy Solis Doyle told The Post that Ybarra was writing on “false information,” and confirmed she’s staying on as an adviser.

Team Clinton insisted that the decision to switch from Solis Doyle to Williams, revealed on Sunday afternoon, was amiable

Source: nypost.com via politisite


You can live by identity politics and attract blocs of voters who are basically competing for various political spoils. They may and often will disagree on specific platform, proposals and first principles, but if you can keep them happy and keep them from competing over the same slices of the pie that you intend to carve up, you can build some power. That has more or less been the way the Democrat party has operated for decades now.

As Hillary Clinton is learning, you can also die by identity politics. She’s facing some blowback from a Latino super delegate for firing “Latina Queena” Patti Solis Doyle and replacing her with longtime HRC loyalist Maggie Williams.

The e-mail from, Steven Ybarra, a California superdelegate who heads the voting-rights committee of the DNC Hispanic Caucus, was sent to fellow caucus members in the hours after word broke that Solis Doyle – the most prominent Latina in Clinton’s campaign – would be replaced by another close Clinton loyalist, Maggie Williams, who is black.

The e-mail noted that Clinton, who is looking to Latino voters for a boost in the Texas and Ohio primaries on March 4, scored heavily with Hispanics in her California win.

“Apparently, loyalty is not a two-way street,” he wrote. “Latino superdelegates like myself . . . will have cause to pause.”

Ybarra told The Post yesterday that the loss of Solis Doyle, a child of Mexican immigrants, just weeks before the Texas primary, where 36 percent of the population is Hispanic, was “dumb as a stump.”

It would be nice if Ybarra and for that matter Hillary herself could learn to look past identity politics and make their decisions based on character and competence. Clinton isn’t running her campaign that way, though, choosing instead to run it based on personal loyalty and gender preferences. That’s a glimpse of the kind of administration she would have in the unlikely event that she can overtake Obama to win the nomination. I doubt Obama will be any more free of identity-based attacks like Ybarra’s than Hillary would.

Source: hotair.com via politisite

Why did Clinton's Replace a Latino with a Black Campaign Manager ? Shake Up in Clinton Camp after Dismal Election Results Doyle Out

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