Biden Secretly Flew Thousands of Inadmissible Immigrants to Cities Across America

TSA allowing illegals to fly commercial without verifiable ID

President Joe Biden has come under fire for a controversial program that has secretly flown over 320,000 ‘inadmissible’ illegal immigrants from Latin American airports to 43 U.S. cities. This revelation has overshadowed the efforts of open-border Democrats who have been trying to blame Texas for the growing migrant crisis in big cities.

Despite facing a lawsuit from the Center for Immigration Studies, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection has refused to disclose the names of the airports where these illegal immigrants are being dropped off after arriving on direct flights from Latin America. The administration claims that revealing this information could potentially compromise law enforcement efforts to secure the border.

This program, which allows illegal immigrants to use an app to gain access to the U.S. without having to travel through Mexico, has raised concerns about national security and the potential for abuse by ‘bad actors.’ The immigrants are granted temporary humanitarian release and work authorization under this program, which has been operating since late 2022.

In addition to this program, there is another one that gives CBP One users a green light into the U.S. Both programs have raised questions about the Biden administration’s immigration policies and the impact they are having on the country. Critics argue that these programs are encouraging illegal immigration and undermining border security efforts.

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