Conservative Libertarian Neal Boortz gets the Radio Hall of Fame

Atlanta’s own Neal Boortz has been named a member of the national Radio Hall of Fame.

Neal Boortz - Iron Mill Interactive Media inc
Neal Boortz - Iron Mill Interactive Media inc

After being nominated, Boortz actively campaigned for a spot. “I’m not going to sit back and sing ‘Que Sera Sera,’ ” he said. “Obama campaigned!”

It obviously worked. He asked folks at Cox corporate, his syndicators and the 300,000 people on the Fair Tax organization email list to vote, vote, vote.

His producer Royal Marshall emailed him a note saying that, yes, he is now officially a legend. “At least in my own mind,” Boortz added.

The man with Libertarian leanings has been in talk radio for four decades and is now heard on more than 250 radio stations nationwide including WSB-AM. (Source- Neal Boortz enters the Radio Hall of Fame )


  1. Radio Hall of Fame Announces 2009 Inductees

  2. Syndicated Radio Stars Inducted Into Hall of Fame

  3. National Radio Hall of Fame & Museum

  4. National Radio Hall of Fame Nominates Neal Boortz, Others

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